ডঃ নৰ্মেন ভিনচেট পীলৰ : সঠিক চিন্তাৰ আচৰিত ফল : অনুবাদ : হেমন্ত কুমাৰ ভৰালী
Sathik Chintar Asorit Fal
Author: Dr. Vincent Normen Pill
Language: Assamese
Publisher: Banalata

Sathik Chintar Asorit Fal
(Original Book-An emaging result of positive thinking):A collection of various articles of human life and thire way of living,written by Dr. Vincent Normen Pil,translated in assamese by hemanta kumar bharali and published by ananta hazarika on behalf of banalata.

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